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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

Dilkur's Kappi

Registration Nr:
05.03.2001 in Sweden
Kersins- Vissa
Not Registered
Hd Grad E
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings from the same litter ( 1 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
S32372/2001 Dilkur's Klaki TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Kersins- Vissa 05-03-2001
Siblings with same father ( 13 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
S51995/2004 Östra Greda Mimmi-Mirakel TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Rekikelin Brydja 10-07-2004
S25439/2004 Vaskurs Gandalf Traustisson TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Vaskurs Björk Landidottir 29-02-2004
S25440/2004 Vaskurs Gisli Traustisson TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Vaskurs Björk Landidottir 29-02-2004
S25441/2004 Vaskurs Grimur Traustisson TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Vaskurs Björk Landidottir 29-02-2004
S25442/2004 Vaskurs Geyfa Traustidotir TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Vaskurs Björk Landidottir 29-02-2004
S25443/2004 Vaskurs Glossa Traustidottir TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Vaskurs Björk Landidottir 29-02-2004
S25444/2004 Vaskurs Geira Traustidottir TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Vaskurs Björk Landidottir 29-02-2004
S32372/2001 Dilkur's Klaki TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Kersins- Vissa 05-03-2001
S35672/2005 Vaskurs Hedinn Traustisson TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Vaskurs Dimmalimm 13-04-2005
S35673/2005 Vaskurs Höttur Traustisson TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Vaskurs Dimmalimm 13-04-2005
S35674/2005 Vaskurs Hremsa Traustidottir TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Vaskurs Dimmalimm 13-04-2005
S35675/2005 Vaskurs Hrönn Traustidottir TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Vaskurs Dimmalimm 13-04-2005
S56504/2001 Dilkur's Litli-Ljotur TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Dilkur's Dilkur-disa 27-09-2001
Siblings with same mother ( 7 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
S32372/2001 Dilkur's Klaki TRAUSTI FRÁ THYTUR STADIR Kersins- Vissa 05-03-2001
S43625/99 Dilkur's Huni Myrkvi Kersins- Vissa 10-07-1999
S43626/99 Dilkur's Heiti Myrkvi Kersins- Vissa 10-07-1999
S43627/99 Dilkur's Haki Myrkvi Kersins- Vissa 10-07-1999
S43628/99 Dilkur's Hekla Huldumeymyrkvadottir Myrkvi Kersins- Vissa 10-07-1999
S43629/99 Dilkur's Hulda Hafdis Myrkvi Kersins- Vissa 10-07-1999
S43630/99 Dilkur's Högni Myrkvi Kersins- Vissa 10-07-1999