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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

Dilkur's Jasla Johanna

Registration Nr:
09.10.2000 in Sweden
Ullälvas Saga
Not Registered
Hd Grad B
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings from the same litter ( 1 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
S55955/2000 Dilkur's Julia Jildra GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Saga 09-10-2000
Siblings with same father ( 16 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
S24838/2003 Astvinur Dreyra GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Wadsteinas Tata från öst 25-03-2003
S24839/2003 Astvinur Dimma GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Wadsteinas Tata från öst 25-03-2003
S24840/2003 Astvinur Dimmbrá GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Wadsteinas Tata från öst 25-03-2003
S24841/2003 Astvinur Dyggur GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Wadsteinas Tata från öst 25-03-2003
S28539/2001 Ullälvas Sindra Gunnarsdottir GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Sota 17-03-2001
S28540/2001 Ullälvas Sindra Svörtin GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Sota 17-03-2001
S28541/2001 Ullälvas Sindra Tindra GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Sota 17-03-2001
S53357/2001 Wadsteinas Snobbige Djarfur GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Tibra 29-09-2001
S53358/2001 Wadsteinas Bósi Seifur GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Tibra 29-09-2001
S53359/2001 Wadsteinas Snotra Tibrádottir GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Tibra 29-09-2001
S53360/2001 Wadsteinas Stássa Glitbrá GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Tibra 29-09-2001
S53361/2001 Wadsteinas Trissa Litbrá GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Tibra 29-09-2001
S55951/2000 Dilkur's Jörfi Gunnarsson GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Saga 09-10-2000
S55952/2000 Dilkur's Jonna Jalda GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Saga 09-10-2000
S55953/2000 Dilkur's Jissa Jaska GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Saga 09-10-2000
S55955/2000 Dilkur's Julia Jildra GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Saga 09-10-2000
Siblings with same mother ( 4 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
S55951/2000 Dilkur's Jörfi Gunnarsson GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Saga 09-10-2000
S55952/2000 Dilkur's Jonna Jalda GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Saga 09-10-2000
S55953/2000 Dilkur's Jissa Jaska GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Saga 09-10-2000
S55955/2000 Dilkur's Julia Jildra GUNNAR FRA GULL LYKLINUM Ullälvas Saga 09-10-2000