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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

Sveahestars Aska

Registration Nr:
09.05.2013 in Sweden
Tellusdream Askur
Kersins Lína
Benedicte Cappelen
More Information:
FCI Natural Herding Aptitude Test (NHAT), INS:
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings from the same litter ( 5 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
SE32868/2013 Sveahestars Oskar Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
SE32869/2013 Sveahestars Katla Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
SE32870/2013 Sveahestars Hjalti Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
SE32872/2013 Sveahestars Svala Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
SE32873/2013 Sveahestars Vinur Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
Siblings with same father ( 39 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DK04092/2011 Aelva Tellusdream Askur Godrumgård's Glit 11-03-2011
DK04093/2011 Ima Tellusdream Askur Godrumgård's Glit 11-03-2011
DK04094/2011 Alde Tellusdream Askur Godrumgård's Glit 11-03-2011
DK04095/2011 Yrja Tellusdream Askur Godrumgård's Glit 11-03-2011
DK04096/2011 Vitnir Tellusdream Askur Godrumgård's Glit 11-03-2011
SE45893/2015 Sveahestars Baltazar Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-07-2015
SE45894/2015 Sveahestars Buster Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-07-2015
SE45895/2015 Sveahestars Björk Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-07-2015
SE45896/2015 Sveahestars Bessa Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-07-2015
SE45897/2015 Sveahestars Birka Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-07-2015
SE45898/2015 Sveahestars Bella Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-07-2015
SE42962/2012 Istindras Adair-Askurson Tellusdream Askur Edda 05-06-2012
SE42963/2012 Istindras Alfur-Askurson Tellusdream Askur Edda 05-06-2012
SE42964/2012 Istindras Almur-Askurson Tellusdream Askur Edda 05-06-2012
SE42965/2012 Istindras Aska-Askurson Tellusdream Askur Edda 05-06-2012
SE42966/2012 Istindras Assa-Askurson Tellusdream Askur Edda 05-06-2012
SE49444/2010 Istindras Orri Tellusdream Askur Istindras Dimma 22-06-2010
SE49445/2010 Istindras Flipi Tellusdream Askur Istindras Dimma 22-06-2010
SE49446/2010 Istindras Spuni Tellusdream Askur Istindras Dimma 22-06-2010
SE49447/2010 Istindras Mökkur Tellusdream Askur Istindras Dimma 22-06-2010
SE49448/2010 Istindras Isar Tellusdream Askur Istindras Dimma 22-06-2010
SE49449/2010 Istindras Garri Tellusdream Askur Istindras Dimma 22-06-2010
SE49450/2010 Istindras Askur Tellusdream Askur Istindras Dimma 22-06-2010
SE49451/2010 Istindras Idunn Tellusdream Askur Istindras Dimma 22-06-2010
SE53183/2010 Astvinur Ísafold Tellusdream Askur Astvinur Dimma 19-07-2010
SE53184/2010 Astvinur Ösàlfur Tellusdream Askur Astvinur Dimma 19-07-2010
SE53185/2010 Astvinur Imaldur Tellusdream Askur Astvinur Dimma 19-07-2010
SE31457/2013 Diljas Álmur Freyfaxi Tellusdream Askur Diljas Góa Freyja 20-04-2013
SE31458/2013 Diljas Aska Fjalladis Tellusdream Askur Diljas Góa Freyja 20-04-2013
SE31459/2013 Diljas Álma Frostrós Tellusdream Askur Diljas Góa Freyja 20-04-2013
SE31460/2013 Diljas Flekka Aldinrós Tellusdream Askur Diljas Góa Freyja 20-04-2013
SE31461/2013 Diljas Frenja Aradis Tellusdream Askur Diljas Góa Freyja 20-04-2013
SE32868/2013 Sveahestars Oskar Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
SE32869/2013 Sveahestars Katla Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
SE32870/2013 Sveahestars Hjalti Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
SE32872/2013 Sveahestars Svala Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
SE32873/2013 Sveahestars Vinur Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
DK03011/2015 Surtsey's P-Poki Tellusdream Askur Surtsey's E-Eydis 05-02-2015
DK03012/2015 Surtsey's P-Páfi Tellusdream Askur Surtsey's E-Eydis 05-02-2015
Siblings with same mother ( 14 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
SE45893/2015 Sveahestars Baltazar Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-07-2015
SE45894/2015 Sveahestars Buster Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-07-2015
SE45895/2015 Sveahestars Björk Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-07-2015
SE45896/2015 Sveahestars Bessa Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-07-2015
SE45897/2015 Sveahestars Birka Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-07-2015
SE45898/2015 Sveahestars Bella Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-07-2015
SE22509/2018 Sveahestars Tor Hi Lydur Katur Kersins Lína 13-02-2018
SE22510/2018 Sveahestars Katur Hi Lydur Katur Kersins Lína 13-02-2018
SE22511/2018 Sveahestars Odin Hi Lydur Katur Kersins Lína 13-02-2018
SE32868/2013 Sveahestars Oskar Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
SE32869/2013 Sveahestars Katla Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
SE32870/2013 Sveahestars Hjalti Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
SE32872/2013 Sveahestars Svala Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
SE32873/2013 Sveahestars Vinur Tellusdream Askur Kersins Lína 09-05-2013
Puppies ( 16 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
SE25820/2020 Tellusdream Skelmir Tellusdream Islakkur Sveahestars Aska 17-03-2020
SE25821/2020 Tellusdream Silja Tellusdream Islakkur Sveahestars Aska 17-03-2020
SE25822/2020 Tellusdream Sindra Tellusdream Islakkur Sveahestars Aska 17-03-2020
SE25823/2020 Tellusdream Sóley Tellusdream Islakkur Sveahestars Aska 17-03-2020
SE58285/2015 Tellusdream Ljúfur Tellusdream Islakkur Sveahestars Aska 05-11-2015
SE58286/2015 Tellusdream Leikur Tellusdream Islakkur Sveahestars Aska 05-11-2015
SE58287/2015 Tellusdream Lasskur Tellusdream Islakkur Sveahestars Aska 05-11-2015
SE58288/2015 Tellusdream Ljúfa Tellusdream Islakkur Sveahestars Aska 05-11-2015
SE58289/2015 Tellusdream Leira Tellusdream Islakkur Sveahestars Aska 05-11-2015
SE58290/2015 Tellusdream Lára Tellusdream Islakkur Sveahestars Aska 05-11-2015
SE55760/2017 Tellusdream Oddur IshundFelding Loki Blesason Sveahestars Aska 05-10-2017
SE55761/2017 Tellusdream Óskadis IshundFelding Loki Blesason Sveahestars Aska 05-10-2017
SE55762/2017 Tellusdream Ófsi IshundFelding Loki Blesason Sveahestars Aska 05-10-2017
SE55763/2017 Tellusdream Odda IshundFelding Loki Blesason Sveahestars Aska 05-10-2017
SE55764/2017 Tellusdream Ósk IshundFelding Loki Blesason Sveahestars Aska 05-10-2017
SE55765/2017 Tellusdream Orka IshundFelding Loki Blesason Sveahestars Aska 05-10-2017