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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

Icetops Andi

Registration Nr:
01.05.2009 in Sweden
Icetops Keipur
Maud och Göte Olsson
black tricolor
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings from the same litter ( 6 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
S37474/2009 Icetops Sota Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37475/2009 Icetops Katla Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37476/2009 Icetops Embla Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37477/2009 Icetops Jörd Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37478/2009 Icetops Lubbi Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37479/2009 Icetops Leistur Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
Siblings with same father ( 44 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
S16650/2004 Birk Icetops Keipur Nauda 04-01-2004
S16651/2004 Bjarni Icetops Keipur Nauda 04-01-2004
S16652/2004 Lina Icetops Keipur Nauda 04-01-2004
S16653/2004 Ronja Icetops Keipur Nauda 04-01-2004
S16654/2004 Ylva Icetops Keipur Nauda 04-01-2004
S20961/2006 Islyckans Leo Icetops Keipur Nelly Av Isheim 25-02-2006
S20962/2006 Islyckans Svala Icetops Keipur Nelly Av Isheim 25-02-2006
S28573/2004 Drengur Icetops Keipur Bjartmars Sunna 25-03-2004
S28574/2004 Edda Icetops Keipur Bjartmars Sunna 25-03-2004
S28575/2004 Tindra Icetops Keipur Bjartmars Sunna 25-03-2004
S28576/2004 Ardis Icetops Keipur Bjartmars Sunna 25-03-2004
S28577/2004 Birna Icetops Keipur Bjartmars Sunna 25-03-2004
S31278/2004 Icetops Baldur Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 05-04-2004
S31279/2004 Icetops Vaskur Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 05-04-2004
S31280/2004 Icetops Jon Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 05-04-2004
S31281/2004 Icetops Vigdis Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 05-04-2004
S31282/2004 Icetops Frida Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 05-04-2004
S31283/2004 Icetops Askja Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 05-04-2004
S42062/2002 Icetops Eir Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 01-06-2002
S42063/2002 Icetops Drengur Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 01-06-2002
S42064/2002 Icetops Askgur Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 01-06-2002
S43157/2001 Icetops Jack Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 30-06-2001
S43158/2001 Icetops Cool Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 30-06-2001
S43159/2001 Icetops Lappi Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 30-06-2001
S43160/2001 Icetops Sabina Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 30-06-2001
S43161/2001 Icetops Tata Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 30-06-2001
S57951/2005 Icetops Noi Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 20-08-2005
S57952/2005 Icetops Trausti Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 20-08-2005
S57953/2005 Icetops Rina Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 20-08-2005
S57954/2005 Icetops Irpa Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 20-08-2005
S57955/2005 Icetops Dis Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 20-08-2005
S57956/2005 Icetops Dagny Icetops Keipur Skreppeng´s Sara 20-08-2005
S63201/2003 Theo Icetops Keipur Buåsens Tölta 20-10-2003
S63202/2003 Bimbo Icetops Keipur Buåsens Tölta 20-10-2003
S63203/2003 Corina Icetops Keipur Buåsens Tölta 20-10-2003
S63204/2003 Roja Icetops Keipur Buåsens Tölta 20-10-2003
S63205/2003 Cissi Icetops Keipur Buåsens Tölta 20-10-2003
S63206/2003 Cilla Icetops Keipur Buåsens Tölta 20-10-2003
S37474/2009 Icetops Sota Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37475/2009 Icetops Katla Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37476/2009 Icetops Embla Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37477/2009 Icetops Jörd Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37478/2009 Icetops Lubbi Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37479/2009 Icetops Leistur Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
Siblings with same mother ( 6 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
S37474/2009 Icetops Sota Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37475/2009 Icetops Katla Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37476/2009 Icetops Embla Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37477/2009 Icetops Jörd Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37478/2009 Icetops Lubbi Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009
S37479/2009 Icetops Leistur Icetops Keipur Mysla 01-05-2009