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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

Mceremons Mina

Registration Nr:
22.10.2012 in USA
Enska Puck of Caradoc
Valhalla's Heart O' Gold
Penny Kelley
black tricolor
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings from the same litter ( 5 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN35101801 Mceremons Kiva Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
DN35101802 Mceremon's Sako of Arctic Ridge Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
DN35101803 Mceremons Ko Ko Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
DN35101804 Mceremons Ikaika Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
DN35101805 Mceremons Never Say Never Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
Siblings with same father ( 26 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN50446205 Caradoc's Beina Enska Puck of Caradoc Caradoc’s Wicked 05-02-2017
DN45409304 Caradoc’s Lulu Enska Puck of Caradoc Mceremons Rose Garden 13-08-2015
DN45409302 Caradoc’s Fire and Ice Enska Puck of Caradoc Mceremons Rose Garden 13-08-2015
DN45409301 Caradoc’s Stargazing Fin Gall Enska Puck of Caradoc Mceremons Rose Garden 13-08-2015
DN50446201 Caradoc’s Night Game Enska Puck of Caradoc Caradoc’s Wicked 05-02-2017
DN50446202 Caradoc's The Game Changer Enska Puck of Caradoc Caradoc’s Wicked 05-02-2017
DN50446203 Caradoc's Wicked Game Enska Puck of Caradoc Caradoc’s Wicked 05-02-2017
DN50446204 Caradoc's Play To Win of Wilron Enska Puck of Caradoc Caradoc’s Wicked 05-02-2017
DN35101801 Mceremons Kiva Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
DN35101802 Mceremon's Sako of Arctic Ridge Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
DN35101803 Mceremons Ko Ko Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
DN35101804 Mceremons Ikaika Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
DN35101805 Mceremons Never Say Never Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
DN36132801 Caradoc's Just Shy of Heaven Enska Puck of Caradoc Tuulenpuuskan Osk Menjadtr 05-11-2012
DN36132802 Caradoc's Heaven Help Us Enska Puck of Caradoc Tuulenpuuskan Osk Menjadtr 05-11-2012
DN36132803 Caradoc's Heaven Sent Enska Puck of Caradoc Tuulenpuuskan Osk Menjadtr 05-11-2012
DN41259901 Caradoc's Princess of Mars Enska Puck of Caradoc Mceremons Gou Roka 12-07-2014
DN41259902 Caradoc-Craika's Final Approach Enska Puck of Caradoc Mceremons Gou Roka 12-07-2014
DN41259903 Caradoc's Bold and Brave Gunnar of Darden Enska Puck of Caradoc Mceremons Gou Roka 12-07-2014
DN41259902 Caradoc-Craika's Final Approach Enska Puck of Caradoc Mceremons Gou Roka 12-07-2015
DN41259903 Caradoc's Bold and Brave Gunnar of Darden Enska Puck of Caradoc Mceremons Gou Roka 12-07-2015
DN47925701 Caradoc's Perpetual Motion Enska Puck of Caradoc Mceremons Gou Roka 13-08-2016
DN47925702 Caradoc's Roc N Rol Enska Puck of Caradoc Mceremons Gou Roka 13-08-2016
DN47925703 Caradoc's Live Wire Enska Puck of Caradoc Mceremons Gou Roka 13-08-2016
DN47925704 Caradoc's Can't Keep It In Enska Puck of Caradoc Mceremons Gou Roka 13-08-2016
DN47925705 Caradoc's True Joule Reyka Orestus Enska Puck of Caradoc Mceremons Gou Roka 13-08-2016
Siblings with same mother ( 16 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN31188501 Mceremons Crown of Thorns Foothills Laki Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 06-07-2011
DN31188502 Mceremons Rosa Foothills Laki Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 06-07-2011
DN31188503 Mceremons Rose Garden Foothills Laki Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 06-07-2011
DN31188504 Mceremons Sonnet for the Rose Foothills Laki Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 06-07-2011
DN31188505 Mceremons Gathering Rose Petals Foothills Laki Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 06-07-2011
DN47996001 Mceremon's Stryker Steals The Show For Valhalla Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 25-10-2016
DN47996002 Mceremon's I Can Only Imagine Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 25-10-2016
DN47996003 Mceremon’s Heart of a Titan Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 25-10-2016
DN35101801 Mceremons Kiva Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
DN35101802 Mceremon's Sako of Arctic Ridge Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
DN35101803 Mceremons Ko Ko Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
DN35101804 Mceremons Ikaika Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
DN35101805 Mceremons Never Say Never Enska Puck of Caradoc Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 22-10-2012
DN39335701 Mceremon's Heart Breaker Viking Hersongur Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 02-03-2014
DN39335702 Mceremon's Ava Viking Hersongur Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 02-03-2014
DN39335703 Mceremon's Elsa Melts The Heart Viking Hersongur Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 02-03-2014
Puppies ( 9 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN43351901 Kind Horn Lady DeWinter Fox Meadow Sumar Farvidri Mceremons Mina 21-04-2015
DN43351902 Kind Horn TinderBunt  Fox Meadow Sumar Farvidri Mceremons Mina 21-04-2015
DN43351903 Kind Horn Herra Findus  Fox Meadow Sumar Farvidri Mceremons Mina 21-04-2015
DN43351904 Kind Horn Herra Gustafson Fox Meadow Sumar Farvidri Mceremons Mina 21-04-2015
DN43351905 Mceremons Cha Cha Fox Meadow Sumar Farvidri Mceremons Mina 21-04-2015
DN54730201 Kind Horn Fimmta Luna Fox Meadow Thorra Bylur Mceremons Mina 09-05-2018
DN54730202 Kind Horn Fyrsti Tucker Fox Meadow Thorra Bylur Mceremons Mina 09-05-2018
DN54730203 Kind Horn Bridja Brook Fox Meadow Thorra Bylur Mceremons Mina 09-05-2018
DN54730204 Kind Horn Fjordi Echo Fox Meadow Thorra Bylur Mceremons Mina 09-05-2018