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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation


Registration Nr:
16.02.2017 in Denmark
Sagahundens Ísjaki
Ditte Erichsen
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings from the same litter ( 2 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DK03859/2017 Freya Sagahundens Ísjaki Smella 16-02-2017
DK03860/2017 Sigga Sagahundens Ísjaki Smella 16-02-2017
Siblings with same father ( 20 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DK01901/2016 Kattegaoen A-Valdis Sagahundens Ísjaki Frodur´s Asiri Kalta 26-01-2016
DK01902/2016 Kattegatoen A-Larus Sagahundens Ísjaki Frodur´s Asiri Kalta 26-01-2016
DK01903/2016 Kattegatoen A-Bersi Sagahundens Ísjaki Frodur´s Asiri Kalta 26-01-2016
DK01904/2016 Kattegatoen A-Fylkir Sagahundens Ísjaki Frodur´s Asiri Kalta 26-01-2016
DK01905/2016 Kattegatoen A-Saga Sagahundens Ísjaki Frodur´s Asiri Kalta 26-01-2016
DK01906/2016 Kattegatoen A-Loa Sagahundens Ísjaki Frodur´s Asiri Kalta 26-01-2016
DK03055/2016 Fáfnir Sagahundens Ísjaki Töfra Tásla Birta Björg 22-02-2016
DK03056/2016 Fjölnir Sagahundens Ísjaki Töfra Tásla Birta Björg 22-02-2016
DK03057/2016 Saga Sagahundens Ísjaki Töfra Tásla Birta Björg 22-02-2016
DK03058/2016 Katla Sagahundens Ísjaki Töfra Tásla Birta Björg 22-02-2016
DK03059/2016 Tigla Sagahundens Ísjaki Töfra Tásla Birta Björg 22-02-2016
DK03060/2016 Vina Sagahundens Ísjaki Töfra Tásla Birta Björg 22-02-2016
DK03859/2017 Freya Sagahundens Ísjaki Smella 16-02-2017
DK03860/2017 Sigga Sagahundens Ísjaki Smella 16-02-2017
DK01901/2016 Kattegatoen A-Valdis Sagahundens Ísjaki Frodur´s Asiri Kalta 26-01-2016
DCNH IH 00928/14 Isjaki fra Kerlingarfjöll Sagahundens Ísjaki Disa Lovis fra Kerlingarfjöll 23-01-2014
DCNH IH 00929/14 Isgard-Skuggi fra Kerlingarfjöll Sagahundens Ísjaki Disa Lovis fra Kerlingarfjöll 23-01-2014
DCNH IH 00930/14 Isja Lovisdottir fra Kerlingarfjöll Sagahundens Ísjaki Disa Lovis fra Kerlingarfjöll 23-01-2014
DCNH IH 00931/14 Inga fra Kerlingarfjöll Sagahundens Ísjaki Disa Lovis fra Kerlingarfjöll 23-01-2014
DCNH IH 00932/14 Ima-Sokka fra Kerlingarfjöll Sagahundens Ísjaki Disa Lovis fra Kerlingarfjöll 23-01-2014
Siblings with same mother ( 2 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DK03859/2017 Freya Sagahundens Ísjaki Smella 16-02-2017
DK03860/2017 Sigga Sagahundens Ísjaki Smella 16-02-2017