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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

Lukehaven Bangsi

Registration Nr:
20.10.2019 in USA
Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy
Dranga Brák
Loren Dribinsky
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings from the same litter ( 2 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN59577701 Lukehaven Elfa Raina Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Dranga Brák 20-10-2019
DN59577703 Lukehaven Dyggur Loki Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Dranga Brák 20-10-2019
Siblings with same father ( 21 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN71384801 Tri-Star Hope Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Tri-Star Gemma 06-04-2022
DN71384802 Tri-Star Cullin Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Tri-Star Gemma 06-04-2022
DN71384803 Tri-Star Ice Halo Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Tri-Star Gemma 06-04-2022
DN71384804 Tri-Star Cena Gia Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Tri-Star Gemma 06-04-2022
DN71384805 Tri-Star Finnegan Logan Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Tri-Star Gemma 06-04-2022
DN71384806 Tri-Star Ren Fallon Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Tri-Star Gemma 06-04-2022
DN71384807 Tri-Star Violet Lulu Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Tri-Star Gemma 06-04-2022
DN77957401 Vali's Male 10-04-2023 Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Vali's Study In Scarlet 04-10-2023
DN77957402 Vali's Female 10-04-2023 Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Vali's Study In Scarlet 04-10-2023
DN70197201 Tri-Star Coco Lola Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Thrymheim's Tawny Of Tri-Star 20-01-2022
DN70197202 Tri-Star Bash Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Thrymheim's Tawny Of Tri-Star 20-01-2022
DN70197203 Tri-Star Spensa Greer Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Thrymheim's Tawny Of Tri-Star 20-01-2022
DN70197204 Tri-Star Maja Aylee Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Thrymheim's Tawny Of Tri-Star 20-01-2022
DN70197205 Tri-Star Habatchi Leith Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Thrymheim's Tawny Of Tri-Star 20-01-2022
DN59577701 Lukehaven Elfa Raina Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Dranga Brák 20-10-2019
DN59577703 Lukehaven Dyggur Loki Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Dranga Brák 20-10-2019
DN69546801  Lukehaven Trivia's Crisp And Cold Vetur Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Lukehaven Trivia's Brilliant Change In Fortune 23-11-2021
DN52742001 Lukehave Mori Moki Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Stubborn Elm's Ylfa 18-02-2018
DN52742002 Lukehaven Gaefa Lucky Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Stubborn Elm's Ylfa 18-02-2018
DN52742003 Lukehaven Thorri Fynn Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Stubborn Elm's Ylfa 18-02-2018
DN52742004 Lukehaven Kappi Agent K Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Stubborn Elm's Ylfa 18-02-2018
Siblings with same mother ( 7 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN59577701 Lukehaven Elfa Raina Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Dranga Brák 20-10-2019
DN59577703 Lukehaven Dyggur Loki Tri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy Dranga Brák 20-10-2019
DN48258101 Lukehaven Trivia's Brilliant Change In Fortune Isneista Alspora Snati of Bayshore Dranga Brák 06-12-2016
DN48258102 Lukehaven Huldufolk Sprite Isneista Alspora Snati of Bayshore Dranga Brák 06-12-2016
DN48258103 Lukehaven Valfreyja Isneista Alspora Snati of Bayshore Dranga Brák 06-12-2016
DN48258104 Lukehaven Birna Panda Isneista Alspora Snati of Bayshore Dranga Brák 06-12-2016
DN48258105 Lukehaven Freyja Chrisdottir Isneista Alspora Snati of Bayshore Dranga Brák 06-12-2016