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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

Nessy du Cours du Dan

Registration Nr:
LOF 681
29.10.2017 in France
Gerplu Lubbi
Gerplu Missy
Sophie Billard-Guerin
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings from the same litter ( 4 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
LOF 677 Nuki du Cours du Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 29-10-2017
LOF 678 Nouky du Cours du Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 29-10-2017
LOF 679 Nala du Cours du Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 29-10-2017
LOF 680 Niska du Cours du Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 29-10-2017
Siblings with same father ( 27 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
LOF 424 Link du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 425 Loyd du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 426 Laiko du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 427 Ljosadis du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 428 Lana du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 429 Leyka du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 430 Luciole du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 431 Laicko du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 442 Laski du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Þruma 11-10-2015
LOF 443 Lund du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Þruma 11-10-2015
LOF 444 Laska du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Þruma 11-10-2015
LOF 522 Merlin du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 01-07-2016
LOF 523 Miko du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 01-07-2016
LOF 524 Mercedes du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 01-07-2016
LOF 525 Marya du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 01-07-2016
LOF 526 Maina du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 01-07-2016
LOF 527 Mirza du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 01-07-2016
LOF 528 Milla du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 01-07-2016
LOF 677 Nuki du Cours du Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 29-10-2017
LOF 678 Nouky du Cours du Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 29-10-2017
LOF 679 Nala du Cours du Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 29-10-2017
LOF 680 Niska du Cours du Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 29-10-2017
LOF 483 Maska Gerplu Lubbi L'Khaleesi du Camp Raquet 30-01-2016
LOF 484 Monsieur Panda Gerplu Lubbi L'Khaleesi du Camp Raquet 30-01-2016
LOF 485 Moka Gerplu Lubbi L'Khaleesi du Camp Raquet 30-01-2016
LOF 486 Malice Gerplu Lubbi L'Khaleesi du Camp Raquet 30-01-2016
LOF 487 Mina Jagare Lunne Faglar Gerplu Lubbi L'Khaleesi du Camp Raquet 30-01-2016
Siblings with same mother ( 19 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
LOF 424 Link du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 425 Loyd du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 426 Laiko du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 427 Ljosadis du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 428 Lana du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 429 Leyka du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 430 Luciole du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 431 Laicko du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 30-06-2015
LOF 522 Merlin du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 01-07-2016
LOF 523 Miko du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 01-07-2016
LOF 524 Mercedes du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 01-07-2016
LOF 525 Marya du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 01-07-2016
LOF 526 Maina du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 01-07-2016
LOF 527 Mirza du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 01-07-2016
LOF 528 Milla du Petit Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 01-07-2016
LOF 677 Nuki du Cours du Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 29-10-2017
LOF 678 Nouky du Cours du Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 29-10-2017
LOF 679 Nala du Cours du Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 29-10-2017
LOF 680 Niska du Cours du Dan Gerplu Lubbi Gerplu Missy 29-10-2017