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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

Minu Engla Flóki-Verndari

Registration Nr:
01.04.2020 in Sweden
Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum
Lappbergets Tófa
Mina Möller
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings from the same litter ( 4 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
SE29029/2020 Minu Engla Stórólfur Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Lappbergets Tófa 01-04-2020
SE29030/2020 Minu Engla Ubbí-Aevintyrí Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Lappbergets Tófa 01-04-2020
SE29031/2020 Minu Engla Kráka-Klára Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Lappbergets Tófa 01-04-2020
SE29032/2020 MInu Engla Viska-Draumey Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Lappbergets Tófa 01-04-2020
Siblings with same father ( 12 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
SE37152/2023 Smårsgården Drópi Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Bragabótar Salka 18-06-2023
SE37153/2023 Smårsgården Teitur Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Bragabótar Salka 18-06-2023
SE37154/2023 Smårsgården Sómi Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Bragabótar Salka 18-06-2023
SE37155/2023 Smårsgården Orka Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Bragabótar Salka 18-06-2023
SE29029/2020 Minu Engla Stórólfur Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Lappbergets Tófa 01-04-2020
SE29030/2020 Minu Engla Ubbí-Aevintyrí Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Lappbergets Tófa 01-04-2020
SE29031/2020 Minu Engla Kráka-Klára Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Lappbergets Tófa 01-04-2020
SE29032/2020 MInu Engla Viska-Draumey Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Lappbergets Tófa 01-04-2020
SE18428/2021 Lappbergets Vaskur Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Istindras Engla 18-01-2021
SE18429/2021 Lappbergets Vilja Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Istindras Engla 18-01-2021
SE18430/2021 Lappbergets Valsa Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Istindras Engla 18-01-2021
SE18431/2021 Lappbergets Vippa Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Istindras Engla 18-01-2021
Siblings with same mother ( 10 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
SE29029/2020 Minu Engla Stórólfur Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Lappbergets Tófa 01-04-2020
SE29030/2020 Minu Engla Ubbí-Aevintyrí Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Lappbergets Tófa 01-04-2020
SE29031/2020 Minu Engla Kráka-Klára Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Lappbergets Tófa 01-04-2020
SE29032/2020 MInu Engla Viska-Draumey Kappi frá Ólafsvöllum Lappbergets Tófa 01-04-2020
SE60484/2021 Minu Engla Bjössi Raudi Stefsstells Sigur Lappbergets Tófa 16-08-2021
SE60485/2021 Minu Engla Prins Leikur Stefsstells Sigur Lappbergets Tófa 16-08-2021
SE60486/2021 Minu Engla Moli Stefsstells Sigur Lappbergets Tófa 16-08-2021
SE60487/2021 Minu Engla Fagur Nagli Stefsstells Sigur Lappbergets Tófa 16-08-2021
SE60488/2021 Minu Engla Fína Freydís Stefsstells Sigur Lappbergets Tófa 16-08-2021
SE60489/2021 Minu Engla Fagra Thokkadís Stefsstells Sigur Lappbergets Tófa 16-08-2021
Puppies ( 6 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
NO54228/23 Langebekken's Dana Vinadòttir Minu Engla Flóki-Verndari Naskur Fjalladís Vina Öskjudóttir 09-09-2023
NO54229/23 Langebekken's Disa Vinadòttir Minu Engla Flóki-Verndari Naskur Fjalladís Vina Öskjudóttir 09-09-2023
NO54230/23 Langebekken's Dögg Vinadòttir Minu Engla Flóki-Verndari Naskur Fjalladís Vina Öskjudóttir 09-09-2023
NO54231/23 Langebekken's Dugur Vinason Minu Engla Flóki-Verndari Naskur Fjalladís Vina Öskjudóttir 09-09-2023
NO54232/23 Langebekken's Draumur Vinason Minu Engla Flóki-Verndari Naskur Fjalladís Vina Öskjudóttir 09-09-2023
NO54233/23 Langebekken's Dròmi Vinason Minu Engla Flóki-Verndari Naskur Fjalladís Vina Öskjudóttir 09-09-2023