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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

Jeyko of Nordic Island

Registration Nr:
LOF 387
12.11.2014 in France
Grissly de la Caverne des Anges
Happy Panda of Nordic Island
Leroy Stéphanie
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings from the same litter ( 3 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
LOF 388 Jaana of Nordic Island Grissly de la Caverne des Anges Happy Panda of Nordic Island 12-11-2014
LOF 389 Jula of Nordic Island Grissly de la Caverne des Anges Happy Panda of Nordic Island 12-11-2014
LOF 390 Joyce of Nordic Island Grissly de la Caverne des Anges Happy Panda of Nordic Island 12-11-2014
Siblings with same father ( 3 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
LOF 388 Jaana of Nordic Island Grissly de la Caverne des Anges Happy Panda of Nordic Island 12-11-2014
LOF 389 Jula of Nordic Island Grissly de la Caverne des Anges Happy Panda of Nordic Island 12-11-2014
LOF 390 Joyce of Nordic Island Grissly de la Caverne des Anges Happy Panda of Nordic Island 12-11-2014
Siblings with same mother ( 15 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
LOF 388 Jaana of Nordic Island Grissly de la Caverne des Anges Happy Panda of Nordic Island 12-11-2014
LOF 389 Jula of Nordic Island Grissly de la Caverne des Anges Happy Panda of Nordic Island 12-11-2014
LOF 390 Joyce of Nordic Island Grissly de la Caverne des Anges Happy Panda of Nordic Island 12-11-2014
LOF 446 Lipazu of Nordic Island Hektor vom Schloss Neubronn Happy Panda of Nordic Island 24-06-2015
LOF 447 Lappi of Nordic Island Hektor vom Schloss Neubronn Happy Panda of Nordic Island 24-06-2015
LOF 448 Lexy of Nordic Island Hektor vom Schloss Neubronn Happy Panda of Nordic Island 24-06-2015
LOF 449 Lady Chappie of Nordic Island Hektor vom Schloss Neubronn Happy Panda of Nordic Island 24-06-2015
LOF 450 L'Eclair of Nordic Island Hektor vom Schloss Neubronn Happy Panda of Nordic Island 24-06-2015
LOF 625 Neisti of Nordic Island It´s Dyri Lazy River of Jurassic Valley Happy Panda of Nordic Island 11-02-2017
LOF 626 Narco of Nordic Island It´s Dyri Lazy River of Jurassic Valley Happy Panda of Nordic Island 11-02-2017
LOF 627 Newton of Nordic Island It´s Dyri Lazy River of Jurassic Valley Happy Panda of Nordic Island 11-02-2017
LOF 628 Nala of Nordic Island It´s Dyri Lazy River of Jurassic Valley Happy Panda of Nordic Island 11-02-2017
LOF 629 Nuska of Nordic Island It´s Dyri Lazy River of Jurassic Valley Happy Panda of Nordic Island 11-02-2017
LOF 630 Nikita of Nordic Island It´s Dyri Lazy River of Jurassic Valley Happy Panda of Nordic Island 11-02-2017
LOF 631 Nymphea of Nordic Island It´s Dyri Lazy River of Jurassic Valley Happy Panda of Nordic Island 11-02-2017