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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

Mceremon's Kala

Registration Nr:
09.07.2016 in USA
Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy
Mceremons Rosa
Penny Kelley
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings from the same litter ( 1 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN47096801 Mceremon's Zolla Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Mceremons Rosa 09-07-2016
Siblings with same father ( 14 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN47096801 Mceremon's Zolla Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Mceremons Rosa 09-07-2016
DN47996001 Mceremon's Stryker Steals The Show For Valhalla Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 25-10-2016
DN47996002 Mceremon's I Can Only Imagine Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 25-10-2016
DN47996003 Mceremon’s Heart of a Titan Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Valhalla's Heart O' Gold 25-10-2016
DN57679101 Haustlita Mceremon's Smari Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Lavandels Haustlita's Morgunstjarna 04-04-2019
DN57679102 Haustlita's Queen Anne's Lace Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Lavandels Haustlita's Morgunstjarna 04-04-2019
DN57679103 Haustlita's Akleja Shasta Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Lavandels Haustlita's Morgunstjarna 04-04-2019
DN57679104 Haustlita's Forget Me Not Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Lavandels Haustlita's Morgunstjarna 04-04-2019
DN57679105 Haustlita's Jinsey Rose Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Lavandels Haustlita's Morgunstjarna 04-04-2019
DN64442303 Valhalla's Fire Dancer Norskie Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Valhalla's Winds of Change 07-11-2020
DN64442301 Valhalla’s Formal Attire Required Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Valhalla's Winds of Change 07-11-2020
DN64442302 Valhalla's Sun Dancer Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Valhalla's Winds of Change 07-11-2020
DN64442304 Valhalla's Victory Dance Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Valhalla's Winds of Change 07-11-2020
DN64442305 Valhalla's Shadow Dancer II Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Valhalla's Winds of Change 07-11-2020
Siblings with same mother ( 11 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN3814901 Mceremons Ridge of Fire Fenrir Mceremons Rosa 05-10-2013
DN3814902 Mceremons Keeping it Real in Valhalla Fenrir Mceremons Rosa 05-10-2013
DN3814903 Mceremons Sheroo Fenrir Mceremons Rosa 05-10-2013
DN55586301 Mceremon's Brinker Sings The Blues Haustlita's Here Comes The Sun Mceremons Rosa 23-10-2018
DN55586302 Mceremon's Miss Fancy Is My Name Haustlita's Here Comes The Sun Mceremons Rosa 23-10-2018
DN55586303 Crowley Flaminio Haustlita's Here Comes The Sun Mceremons Rosa 23-10-2018
DN55586305 Mceremons Mandy Rose Haustlita's Here Comes The Sun Mceremons Rosa 23-10-2018
DN47096801 Mceremon's Zolla Caradoc Mceremons Jersey Boy Mceremons Rosa 09-07-2016
DN51233501 Mceremon's Black Ice Mceremon's Sako of Arctic Ridge Mceremons Rosa 01-10-2017
DN51233502 Mceremon's Tula Gunnarsdottir Mceremon's Sako of Arctic Ridge Mceremons Rosa 01-10-2017
DN512335/03 Kefla Mceremon's Sako of Arctic Ridge Mceremons Rosa 01-10-2017