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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation


Registration Nr:
14.06.1983 in Denmark
Tófta- Njáll
Not Registered
reddish brown
Original Color:
HD 2:
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings from the same litter ( 4 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DK25161/83 Morgunbirta Tófta- Njáll Tyra 14-06-1983
DK25162/83 Sigyn Tófta- Njáll Tyra 14-06-1983
DK25163/83 Skolli Tófta- Njáll Tyra 14-06-1983
DK25164/83 Funi Tófta- Njáll Tyra 14-06-1983
Siblings with same father ( 32 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DK09152/88 Geitir Kjarni Tófta- Njáll Geitir Blesa 20-03-1988
DK09153/88 Geitir Katur Tófta- Njáll Geitir Blesa 20-03-1988
DK09154/88 Geitir Kvika Tófta- Njáll Geitir Blesa 20-03-1988
DK09155/88 Geitir Kella Tófta- Njáll Geitir Blesa 20-03-1988
DK09156/88 Geitir Kjartan Tófta- Njáll Geitir Blesa 20-03-1988
DK11624/87 Landi Grana Tófta- Njáll Isafold Silla 09-05-1987
DK12702/84 Glamur Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12703/84 Gloi Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12704/84 Flipi Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12705/84 Geisli Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12706/84 Blossi Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12707/84 Nøs Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12708/84 Komma Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12709/84 Ljoska Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12710/84 Vaka Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK15300/86 Geitir Huginn Tófta- Njáll Geitir Blesa 12-06-1986
DK15301/86 Geitir Haki Tófta- Njáll Geitir Blesa 12-06-1986
DK15302/86 Geitir Huni Tófta- Njáll Geitir Blesa 12-06-1986
DK15303/86 Geitir Hera Tófta- Njáll Geitir Blesa 12-06-1986
DK15304/86 Geitir Halla Tófta- Njáll Geitir Blesa 12-06-1986
DK15305/86 Geitir Gloa Tófta- Njáll Lóa frá Ólafsvöllum 08-06-1986
DK15308/86 Geitir Goli Tófta- Njáll Lóa frá Ólafsvöllum 08-06-1986
DK25161/83 Morgunbirta Tófta- Njáll Tyra 14-06-1983
DK25162/83 Sigyn Tófta- Njáll Tyra 14-06-1983
DK25163/83 Skolli Tófta- Njáll Tyra 14-06-1983
DK25164/83 Funi Tófta- Njáll Tyra 14-06-1983
DK26316/89 Landi Mestur Tófta- Njáll Mysla 17-11-1989
DK26317/89 Landi Baldi Tófta- Njáll Mysla 17-11-1989
DK26318/89 Landi Barki Tófta- Njáll Mysla 17-11-1989
DK26319/89 Landi Mori Tófta- Njáll Mysla 17-11-1989
DK26320/89 Landi Mygla Tófta- Njáll Mysla 17-11-1989
DK26321/89 Landi Mist Tófta- Njáll Mysla 17-11-1989
Siblings with same mother ( 21 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DK12702/84 Glamur Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12703/84 Gloi Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12704/84 Flipi Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12705/84 Geisli Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12706/84 Blossi Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12707/84 Nøs Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12708/84 Komma Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12709/84 Ljoska Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK12710/84 Vaka Tófta- Njáll Tyra 08-04-1984
DK16820/85 Oldenhus Jørp Ari Tyra 05-05-1985
DK16821/85 Oldenhus Sæta Ari Tyra 05-05-1985
DK16822/85 Oldenhus Katina Ari Tyra 05-05-1985
DK16823/85 Oldenhus Leista Ari Tyra 05-05-1985
DK16824/85 Oldenhus Snorri Ari Tyra 05-05-1985
DK16825/85 Oldenhus Kjammi Ari Tyra 05-05-1985
DK16826/85 Oldenhus Nykur Ari Tyra 05-05-1985
DK16827/85 Oldenhus Bjartur Ari Tyra 05-05-1985
DK25161/83 Morgunbirta Tófta- Njáll Tyra 14-06-1983
DK25162/83 Sigyn Tófta- Njáll Tyra 14-06-1983
DK25163/83 Skolli Tófta- Njáll Tyra 14-06-1983
DK25164/83 Funi Tófta- Njáll Tyra 14-06-1983
Puppies ( 5 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DK15622/88 Jøtunn Ari Gæfa 21-06-1988
DK15623/88 Neisti Ari Gæfa 21-06-1988
DK15624/88 Gosi Ari Gæfa 21-06-1988
DK15625/88 Tigla Ari Gæfa 21-06-1988
DK15626/88 Hetja Ari Gæfa 21-06-1988