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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation


Registration Nr:
24.01.2001 in USA
Melkolku- Kossmó
Not Registered
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings from the same litter ( 2 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DL86572101   Istolts-depill   Virkis-Týri Melkolku- Kossmó 24-01-2001
DL86572102   Istolt aska      Virkis-Týri Melkolku- Kossmó 24-01-2001
Siblings with same father ( 21 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN07792201   Nor'star floki   Virkis-Týri Pineridge Disa Be Nikki             26-07-2004
DN07792202   Nor'star waylon  Virkis-Týri Pineridge Disa Be Nikki             26-07-2004
DN07792203   Nor' star kvekari Virkis-Týri Pineridge Disa Be Nikki             26-07-2004
DN07792204   Nor'star fantur be rascal Virkis-Týri Pineridge Disa Be Nikki             26-07-2004
DN07792205   Nor'star disa be kiska Virkis-Týri Pineridge Disa Be Nikki             26-07-2004
DN10873801   Viking laufagosi Virkis-Týri Viking's bjork   03-05-2005
DN10873802   Viking tigulgosi Virkis-Týri Viking's bjork   03-05-2005
DN10873803   Viking hjartadrottning Virkis-Týri Viking's bjork   03-05-2005
DN10873805   Viking spathaas  Virkis-Týri Viking's bjork   03-05-2005
DN10873806   Viking gamandama Virkis-Týri Viking's bjork   03-05-2005
DL75824802   Viking's loki    Virkis-Týri Grima                               07-02-1997
DL75824901   Viking's freyja  Virkis-Týri Grima                               02-10-1998
DL75824902   Viking's sigurd  Virkis-Týri Grima                               02-10-1998
DL75824903   Viking's rakke   Virkis-Týri Grima                               02-10-1998
DL86572101   Istolts-depill   Virkis-Týri Melkolku- Kossmó 24-01-2001
DL86572102   Istolt aska      Virkis-Týri Melkolku- Kossmó 24-01-2001
DN02997601   Nor'star odinn   Virkis-Týri Pineridge Disa Be Nikki             26-04-2003
DN02997602   Nor'star vala    Virkis-Týri Pineridge Disa Be Nikki             26-04-2003
DN02997603   Nor'star una     Virkis-Týri Pineridge Disa Be Nikki             26-04-2003
DN02997604   Nor'star kyssa   Virkis-Týri Pineridge Disa Be Nikki             26-04-2003
DN02997605   Nor'star gloey   Virkis-Týri Pineridge Disa Be Nikki             26-04-2003
Siblings with same mother ( 2 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DL86572101   Istolts-depill   Virkis-Týri Melkolku- Kossmó 24-01-2001
DL86572102   Istolt aska      Virkis-Týri Melkolku- Kossmó 24-01-2001
Puppies ( 9 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN09823601   Pine plains elska Loki Istolts-run      04-02-2005
DN09823603   Pine plains truthur Loki Istolts-run      04-02-2005
DN09823604   Pine plains      Loki Istolts-run      04-02-2005
DN09823605   Pine plains ras  Loki Istolts-run      04-02-2005
DN09823606   Pine plains yrsa Loki Istolts-run      04-02-2005
DN09823607   Pine plains bell Loki Istolts-run      04-02-2005
DN19424401   Pine plains gylfi Lonestar ansel   Istolts-run      12-10-2007
DN19424403   Pine plains brynja Lonestar ansel   Istolts-run      12-10-2007
DN19424405   Pine plains skessa Lonestar ansel   Istolts-run      12-10-2007