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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

Runestone keilir

Registration Nr:
14.04.2008 in USA
Sunnan gimli    
Blueridge mist  
Not Registered
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings from the same litter ( 3 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN21252502   Runestone katla  Sunnan gimli     Blueridge mist   14-04-2008
DN21252503   Runestone hekla  Sunnan gimli     Blueridge mist   14-04-2008
DN21252504   Runestone snaefelsjokull Sunnan gimli     Blueridge mist   14-04-2008
Siblings with same father ( 10 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN14231701   Runestone rasmus klumpur Sunnan gimli     Aldebaran Gryla 25-04-2006
DN14231702   Runestone pingo  Sunnan gimli     Aldebaran Gryla 25-04-2006
DN14231703   Runestone skubba Sunnan gimli     Aldebaran Gryla 25-04-2006
DN14231704   Runestone elska  Sunnan gimli     Aldebaran Gryla 25-04-2006
DN14231705   Runestone skeggur Sunnan gimli     Aldebaran Gryla 25-04-2006
DN14231706   Runestone skjalda Sunnan gimli     Aldebaran Gryla 25-04-2006
DN21252502   Runestone katla  Sunnan gimli     Blueridge mist   14-04-2008
DN21252503   Runestone hekla  Sunnan gimli     Blueridge mist   14-04-2008
DN21252504   Runestone snaefelsjokull Sunnan gimli     Blueridge mist   14-04-2008
DN65625901 Runestone Ari Sunnan gimli     Fox Meadow Veturnaetur Halastjarna 20-12-2020
Siblings with same mother ( 6 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN21252502   Runestone katla  Sunnan gimli     Blueridge mist   14-04-2008
DN21252503   Runestone hekla  Sunnan gimli     Blueridge mist   14-04-2008
DN21252504   Runestone snaefelsjokull Sunnan gimli     Blueridge mist   14-04-2008
DN30281201 Runestone Ísbjörn Heimskauts reike Blueridge mist   05-03-2011
DN30281202 Runestone Snæugla Heimskauts reike Blueridge mist   05-03-2011
DN30281203 Runestone Heimskauts Tófa Heimskauts reike Blueridge mist   05-03-2011