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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

Glacier Point's Blue Note

Registration Nr:
01.07.2010 in USA
Dyggur's Twilight Jasper
Valhalla's cira 
Xania Moreno
The Icelandic Sheepdogs and their colors

One of the most special attributes of the Icelandic dog is his color. To embrace the diffrenent approaches and keep the varity alive, the "Orignial-Color" shows how the dog was registered, often in their original language.
The "Color-Group" shows which main color group the dog belongs to with two important rules: White is always part of the color, and dogs which are black are always registered as tricolor dogs.

Siblings with same father ( 8 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN65530401 Glacier Point's Cleopatra Dyggur's Twilight Jasper Glacer Points Evangeline 12-02-2021
DN65530402 Glacier Point's Night Moves Dyggur's Twilight Jasper Glacer Points Evangeline 12-02-2021
DN65530403 Glacier Points Emma Denali Dyggur's Twilight Jasper Glacer Points Evangeline 12-02-2021
DN65530404 Glacier Point's Here Comes The Sun Dyggur's Twilight Jasper Glacer Points Evangeline 12-02-2021
DN65530405 Glacir Point's Fire Lake Dyggur's Twilight Jasper Glacer Points Evangeline 12-02-2021
DN28133701 Galcier Point's Jazzy Kinda Blue Dyggur's Twilight Jasper Valhalla's cira  01-07-2010
DN28133702 Glacier Point's Something Else Blue Dyggur's Twilight Jasper Valhalla's cira  01-07-2010
DN28133704 Glacier Point's Night Train Blues Dyggur's Twilight Jasper Valhalla's cira  01-07-2010
Siblings with same mother ( 6 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN28133701 Galcier Point's Jazzy Kinda Blue Dyggur's Twilight Jasper Valhalla's cira  01-07-2010
DN28133702 Glacier Point's Something Else Blue Dyggur's Twilight Jasper Valhalla's cira  01-07-2010
DN28133704 Glacier Point's Night Train Blues Dyggur's Twilight Jasper Valhalla's cira  01-07-2010
DN36457701 Glacier Points El Capitan Eyvinur fra Bjarkarlundi Valhalla's cira  04-01-2013
DN34096001 Glacier Point's Cascade Falls Vallhalla's Ring Raider of Glacier Point Valhalla's cira  22-06-2012
DN34096002 Glacier Point's Mirror Lake Vallhalla's Ring Raider of Glacier Point Valhalla's cira  22-06-2012
Puppies ( 5 )
Reg Name Father Mother Born
DN35648001 Glacier Points Little Surfer Girl Vallhalla's Ring Raider of Glacier Point Glacier Point's Blue Note 05-01-2013
DN35648002 Glacier Points Catch a Wave Vallhalla's Ring Raider of Glacier Point Glacier Point's Blue Note 05-01-2013
DN35648003 Glacier Points Summertime Blues Vallhalla's Ring Raider of Glacier Point Glacier Point's Blue Note 05-01-2013
DN35648004 Zeke Thom Vallhalla's Ring Raider of Glacier Point Glacier Point's Blue Note 05-01-2013
DN35648005 Glacier Points Surf's Up Vallhalla's Ring Raider of Glacier Point Glacier Point's Blue Note 05-01-2013