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Icelandic Sheepdog International Cooperation

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Country Reg Name Sex Father Mother Born
SHSB/LOS 796869 Gantroppas Nauma F Kári aus Vinkona Sunnusteins Dag Prúð Edda 08.05.2023
CMKU/ISP/9/23 Amundi Frost Zarietis Moravia M Steinunn´s Brími Luma Kopieccy Poland 07.05.2023
CMKU/ISP/8/23 Akafi Snjór Zarietis Moravia M Steinunn´s Brími Luma Kopieccy Poland 07.05.2023
CMKU/ISP/11/23 Alfadís Sokka Zarietis Moravia F Steinunn´s Brími Luma Kopieccy Poland 07.05.2023
CMKU/ISP/10/23 Akureyra Landi Zarietis Moravia F Steinunn´s Brími Luma Kopieccy Poland 07.05.2023
CMKU/ISP/12/23 Arelía Tófa Zarietis Moravia F Steinunn´s Brími Luma Kopieccy Poland 07.05.2023
CMKU/ISP/13/23 Auróra Geisla Zarietis Moravia F Steinunn´s Brími Luma Kopieccy Poland 07.05.2023
FI30386/23 Smahildur's Lagsi Lýsingur M Ginfaxi's Loki Máttur Eisa 07.05.2023
FI30385/23 Smahildur's Leppa Löpp F Ginfaxi's Loki Máttur Eisa 07.05.2023
FI30383/23 Smahildur's Lína Leppatuska F Ginfaxi's Loki Máttur Eisa 07.05.2023
Page 109 of 2486 Number of dogs = 24855